Developing with ENgrid

ENgrid Change Management and Deployment Process

This page documents the procedure for rolling out changes in ENgrid, with a focus on the upstream engrid-scripts package and its integration into client child themes.

  • ENgrid Scripts: A shared codebase for all ENgrid clients.
  • Client Child Themes: Custom themes that depend on the engrid-scripts.

Process for Updating ENgrid Scripts

1. CSS only additions

  • If your change is new CSS only, that will not impact any existing style, you can merge and deploy directly to engrid-scripts. Otherwise you need to follow the process below.

2. PR and Productive Task Creation

  • The developer creates a new feature or update and prepares a Pull Request (PR) assigned to Fernando.
    • A detailed task description.
    • A link to a test page demonstrating the feature.
  • The developer creates a sub-task in Productive for Fernando’s review the PR assigned for the same day with a ballpark estimate.
  • When Fernando or the PM see’s the task, they will adjust the estimate/due date as needed to not disrupt any other scheduled work.

3. Review and Publishing

  • Fernando exclusively reviews the PR.
  • Once approved, Fernando publishes an updated version of engrid-scripts and updates the sub-task in Productive.

4. Deployment

  • Immediate Client Update: If a client is already using the latest engrid-scripts, and has QA and approved your update, you have the option of deploying it immeditely to the live client account.
  • Scheduled Rollout: For clients on older versions of engrid-script, they will receive the update during their next scheduled ENgrid upgrade; which is usually monthly or quarterly.
Contributing to ENgrid Scripts