Form Features
Internationalized Form Addresses
Engaging Networks Component Configuration
Engaging Networks Field Name | Label | Type and Details | Visibility | Required |
Address 1 | Address | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
City | City | Text - Empty | Y | N |
State | Province/State | Text - Empty | Y | N |
Zip | Zip/Postal Code | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
Country | Country | Select - Country | Y | Y |
United Kingdom (en-GB)
Engaging Networks Field Name | Label | Type and Details | Visibility | Required |
Address 1 | Address | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
City | City | Text - Empty | Y | N |
State | State/Region | Text - Empty | Y | N |
Zip | Postal Code | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
Country | Country | Select - Country - "United Kingdom" | Y | Y |
France (fr-FR)
Engaging Networks Field Name | Label | Type and Details | Visibility | Required |
Address 1 | Adresse | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
Zip | Code Postal | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
City | Ville | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
State | Région | -N/A- | N | N |
Country | Country | Select - Country - "France" | Y | Y |
Germany (de-DE)
Engaging Networks Field Name | Label | Type and Details | Visibility | Required |
Address 1 | Straße, Hausnummer | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
Zip | Postleitzahl | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
City | Ort | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
State | Bundesland | -N/A- | N | N |
Country | Land | Select - Country - "Deutschland" | Y | Y |
South Africa (en-ZA)
Engaging Networks Field Name | Label | Type and Details | Visibility | Required |
Address 1 | Address | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
City | City | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
State | State | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
Zip | Zip | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
Country | Country | Select - Country - "South Africa" | Y | Y |
Canada (en-CA)
Engaging Networks Field Name | Label | Type and Details | Visibility | Required |
Address 1 | Address | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
City | City | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
State | Province/State | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
Zip | Postal Code | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
Country | Country | Select - Country - "Canada" | Y | Y |
Netherlands (en-NL)
Engaging Networks Field Name | Label | Type and Details | Visibility | Required |
Address 1 | Adres | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
City | Woonplaats | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
State | Provincie | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
Zip | Postcode | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
Country | Country | Select - Country - "Netherlands" | Y | Y |
Australia (en-AU)
Engaging Networks Field Name | Label | Type and Details | Visibility | Required |
Address 1 | Address | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
City | City | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
State | Province/State | Select - Australian States - "Select Province/State" | Y | Y |
Zip | Zip Code | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
Country | Country | Select - Country - "Australia" | Y | Y |
United States (en-US)
Engaging Networks Field Name | Label | Type and Details | Visibility | Required |
Address 1 | Address | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
City | City | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
State | State | Select - US States - "Select State" | Y | Y |
Zip | Zip | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
Country | Country | Select - Country - "United States" | Y | Y |
All Others Countries
Engaging Networks Field Name | Label | Type and Details | Visibility | Required |
Address 1 | Address | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
City | City | Text - Empty | Y | N |
State | Province/State | Text - Empty | Y | N |
Zip | Zip/Postal Code | Text - Empty | Y | Y |
Country | Country | Select - Country - "United States" | Y | Y |