
Native Custom Ask String / Swap Lists

This is documentation about managing the ask string swap list in Engaging Networks and is not specific to ENgrid, but it comes up often enough that we have a step-by-step guide. Here is how to update One-time or Monthly giving amounts on a page that uses a Form Component with a Swap List.

1Edit the Form Component with the “Donation Amount” field.screenshot
2If linked, unlink the Form Component from the Component Library.screenshot
3Save the form component back to the component library with an appropriate name that includes the amounts.screenshot
4Click the Dependencies icon.screenshot
5Click the pencil (edit) icon on your desired option in the pop-up.screenshot
6Manage the “Swap List” by clicking the pencil icon next to the associated Swap List.screenshot
7Click the pencil icon next to the Monthly Swap List in the pop-up.screenshot
8Edit the pre-defined giving amounts for Monthly.-
9IMPORTANT: Ensure the value is updated when changing the label.screenshot
10IMPORTANT: The last option should always be “Other” with a value of “other”.screenshot
11IMPORTANT: Understand how the default amount for the One-time Swap List works.recording
12Save the swap list, and close the pop-up.screenshot
13Save the alternative content, and close the pop-up.screenshot
14Save the field update.screenshot
15Save the dependency configuration, and close the pop-up.screenshot
16Save the page.screenshot
17Note the instant changes on the page you were editing if the form is saved to the Library.-
18Be aware that other pages using the same Library Form Component could take up to 1hr for the changes to propagate.-
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